VIP Guide

This article covers tools and work sequences for VIPs. VIPs can help moderate videos and investigate potential abuse if they have the time for it, but there are no expectations for the amount of work or commitment. VIP is a permission level, not a job.

Mandatory Informative Anti-Union propaganda video for all VIPs (This is a joke)

Code of Conduct

Don't question VIPs on submitting a segment with a small difference to yours, unless you believe the new segment is worse than the original. In the end it is about creating good segments and not about your stats.

Tools and Terminology

Moderating Users


What constitutes a warning and when to lift it?

Warnings should be issued to users who misinterpret the rules and can be set straight by simply telling them to review the rules and guidelines, e.g. users who often mislabel the category can just use the flowchart.

The point of a warning is to get the user into matrix or discord so that we can talk to them, make sure they go over the guidelines and hopefully learn from their mistake.

Once they have confirmed they have read the guidelines, checked out their previous mistakes and if applicable, read the corresponding articles, the warning may be lifted. A possible prompt for this can be

Please read the guidelines and confirm if you understand the mistakes, or ask any questions if you have any.

Warnings can be lifted with sb-slash[1], SBC[2]

How to issue a warning?

In #report-a-user post a message with the warning reasons and link their profile on SBB. The message should look like this:

Warning for


Intro covering content:

Sponsor doesn't include segue: 

Other unrelated tips...

The warning reason is everything after "Reasons".

On SBC[2] paste the userID and the warning reason. Please paste the warning reasons! Yes, it can be quite long. If you want to give tips to the user, do it now, as they will see this message. If the user has many wrong segments, but you still feel like a warning is appropriate, consider removing all old segments by banning and unbanning them.

What does the user experience?

When the user is submitting or voting on a segment, a chat window of #questions will open and automatically post a message with their warning reason. They cannot navigate to any other channels, so don't link to a discord message or other channels. Their username will be set to their userID and they will see an alertbox with the following text:

Submission rejected due to a warning from a moderator. This means that we noticed you were making some common mistakes that are not malicious, and we just want to clarify the rules. Could you please send a message in or so we can further help you? Your userID is ${userID}.

Warning reason: ${reason}


Bans of users with many submissions need approval of one other VIP. Don't hold back on banning users, when they submit bad segments. They should be mature enough, that their bad segments show up for everyone to see.

What constitutes a ban?

How to issue a ban?

In #bans post a message with the ban reasons and link their profile on SBB. #bans is a private channel. The message should look like this:

(Recommending) ban for


Intro covering content:

Sponsor doesn't include segue: 

Wait for another VIP's support with 👍. After receiving approval, head to SBC[2] and ban the user. You may choose to hide categories. Confirm your ban with ✅.

What does the user experience?

The user will not notice they have been banned, as we issue only shadowbans. As long as the user still uses the same IP address, they will continue seeing their segments, but no one else will. Their views will stay at zero, so their time saved and related stats will stop changing.

How can I recognize a banned user on SBB?

Banned users will have an ❌ in the shadow hidden column of their segments on SBB.

Temporary VIPs

Permanent VIPs can grant temporary channel-specific VIP voting powers to users.

Temporary VIPs can


This permission only lasts for 24 hours and can only be granted for one channel at a time.

Temporary VIPs will have their reports show up as "Report by Temporary VIP User" in #submission-downvotes

This can be done on sb-slash[1] and SBC[2]

Moderating Videos

Knowledge of Categories

Read the guidelines and feel free to ask in the discord after checking the wiki.

Manipulating Segments

Voting and category changing can be done with SBC[2], Deedit's userscript[3] or on YouTube.

Locking Categories

When users try to submit a category that is locked, they will receive the following message:

New submissions are not allowed for the following category: {category}. A moderator has decided that no new segments are needed on this video and that all current segments of this category are timed perfectly.

Lock reason: {reason}

If you believe this is incorrect, please contact someone on or

If the locked category is sponsor, the previous prompt will be expanded by this:

Maybe the segment you are submitting is a different category that you have not enabled and is not a sponsor. Categories that aren't sponsor, such as self-promotion can be enabled in the options.

Submitting Segments

Your segments should be perfectly accurate and follow the rules. This is because normal users cannot remove your segments and VIPs don't want to remove other VIPs' segments. If you are unsure, feel free to ask.


Don't go around downvoting established segments. Odds are, you probably misunderstood the rules and could lose your VIP status if you are incorrigible.

Clearing Cache/ Purging Videos

Videos that have segments that are erroneously displaying even after they have been downvoted might need to have their cache cleared. Feel free to do this whenever but only if it does not resolve itself in a few refreshes. This can be done with SBC[2] and sb-slash[1]

Videos that have been changed post-upload by the submitter (usually to remove a part of the video) and consequently have their segments offset should be cleared with "Purge Video". This can be done in SBC[2] and sb-slash[1]. If there are segments that are still accurate enough, they can be un-hidden with a VIP upvote.

SponsorBlock VIP UI

Shortly after becoming a VIP, your UI will highlight locked segments, similar to SBB.

Locked segments are usually submitted by VIPs or locked by VIPs. When submitting over a locked category, make sure that it wasn't purposefully excluded, either by checking the lock reason or asking the locking VIP in the discord.

Locked segments have a yellow downvote
Locked categories are highlighted in yellow

Searching Segments

When searching for segments en masse, SBB is recommended but has an update delay of 10 minutes.

This can be mitigated with by TheJzoli to force get new segments and update existing ones

and sbltnfi-refresh.user.js by blab to force update a single segment

Alternatively sb-slash can be used to search for segments on videos

for quick/convenient moderation sb-slash's /vip command can also be used

Reviewing Other Users For Permanent VIP

Applicants should have the requesting VIP role, otherwise approach them privately.

The most important thing for VIPs is to be consistent and receptive to feedback.

Tool Feature Matrix

Tool Feature Matrix
Tool Name Voting Change




Warning Unwarning Banning Temp






Browser Extension
sb-slash ✔️* ✔️* ✔️* ✔️*
Deedit's Script

* Actions done with sb-slash are not as anonymous, as they are logged to a VIP-only channel


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
  3. 3.0 3.1